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本公司引进国内外先进的技术,工艺并积极研发以雄厚的技术力量,先进的设备和科学的管理生产出高质量的产品。 平翔磁业本着“以人为本,科技创新”的企业精神,在发挥资深专业背景优势的同时,坚持高新科技的发展方向,坚持“要做就做好”的专业精神和“仁者”的销售理念,制造出能满足客户不同需求的产品,并提供专业、周到的技术服务和产品售后服务。本公司热忱欢迎国内外客户惠顾合作。 maanshan pingxiang magnetic products mfg.co.,ltd. is specialized in magnetic tile which is used for magnetoelectricity. through the unremitting pursuit and making innovations, wehave traind and brought up a mumber of modernizd scientific and technical talents who have the ability of modernized and manufacturing. we have introduced advanced techniques domestically and overseas. furthermore, we have an excellent r&d group and can produce highq-quality poduc...[详细介绍] 联系方式
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